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Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

Apa Sich Arti Merdeka Buat Lo???? Merdeka Versi Indhry adalah ....

August 31, 2017
Bentar lagi meninggalkan bulan Agustus, tapi jangan sampai kita melupakan Kemerdekaan begitu saja. Merdeka itu diwujudkan bukan hanya untuk Negara Indonesia Tercinta saja, kita sebagai Bangsa Indonesia kita juga harus Merdeka. Sehingga Apa Sich Arti Merdeka Buat Lo????

Arti Merdeka menurut saya adalah ketika saya bisa menghasilkan Money dengan Hobby dan apapun sesuai passion saya,

Hobby saya adalah Draw, meskipun menggambar harus melihat objek dan focus penuh or need moodbooster high level, tanpa itu gambar nya jadi aneh.
Basket & badminton adalah hobby saya meski dibilang pendek, its no problem, tapi sudah lama aku gak pegang bola.
Dancing, pernah punya cita-cita menjadi dancer tapi kini aku kubur biar jadi hobby saya, saya memutuskan untuk berhijab, meskipun saya masih dancer amateur yang hanya ingin gerak tiap denger lagu, mungkin butuh pembimbing biar benar.
Making n editing Video, meski hanya modal HP n PC jadul buat bahan video di youtube saya ini, DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE Yeee
Membuat poems, pantun, n short story, meskipun harus nunggu galau baru mood,
Making Handmade n craft saya menjual bross, n boneka flanel n dll, menerima pesanan buat souvenir, chat via wa 082326625034 or chek on shopee Sri_Andriningsih

Passion saya adalah Art/ Seni, meski saya tak bisa bernyanyi. Sebenarnya saya bisa singing, singing pun menjadi hobby saya, beberapa kali saya dipilih untuk Vocal Grub, bahkan saya punya lagu bersama girls grub waktu SMA, tapi kenyataannya setiap aku rekap suara saya kok lari-lari kemana-mana ya????
Saya gx bisa main alat musik cuma bisa main seruling itu hanya lagu sue ora jamu, dulu pernah belajar main keyboard n drum itu cuma beberapa minggu, aku pengen bisa main gitar, n drum.
mungkin kalau aku punya alat musik aku bisa...
sekian terlalu panjang caption nya.... jangan lupa LIKE YA,

Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017

The Study Of Meaning

Discuss about :
Concerned with what knowledge individual speakers of a language possess which makes it possible for them to communicate with one another.
Consideration of what language is and how a child acquires it
The speakers have about the nature and expression of meaning in their language.

1.1 The Systematic Study Of Meaning
1.2 The Nature Of Language
1.3 Language And The Individual
1.4. Demonstrating Semantic Knowledge

DOWNLOAD The Study Of Meaning.PPT

Rabu, 16 Agustus 2017


Shakespeare’s Career
¢Wrote 37 plays
¢Wrote comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances (not what you think)
¢Also wrote 154 sonnets and several narrative poems all dedicated to Sir Henry Wriothesley
¢He was an actor, writer, director, and business man

¢Became known for his imaginative use of language and timelessness.
Brief Biography of William Shakespeare  
He was baptized on April 26, 1564
There were no such things as birth certificates at this time.  However, babies were usually baptized three days after their birth—hence Shakespeare’s birth date of April 23, 1564
He was married at the age of 18 to 26 year old Anne Hathaway
He fathered three children (two girls, one boy)
His son died young
He was part owner of the Globe Theater
He died on April 23, 1616


Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017


Kata orang hidup ini hanya sekali ... nikmatilah selagi kamu bisa...
     Terlalu dini jika aku mengatakan bila ini semua belajar dari pengalaman. Pengalaman hidupku baru kemarin dan itu masih terlalu cepat jika aku mengambilnya sebagai pembelajaran. Tapi kata orang kita harus belajar dari hidup yang sudah-sudah agar kita bisa hidup menjadi lebih baik.
    Belajar memperbaiki kehidupan itu memang gambang diucapkan tapi sulit untuk dilakukan. Beberapa kali aku memperbaikinya aku selalu terjebak disituasi yang sama dan itu terjadi lagi. Sulit sekali meninggalkannya, hingga butuh waktu lama buat menyadari dan memperbaikiinya. 
   Seiring jalan aku sadar selama ini sebenarnya aku telah mendapatkan cara memperbaikinya tapi belum bisa menyimpulkan dan belum tersadarkan apa itu.
     Kini aku menemukan caranya entah ini jalan yang terbaik ataupun tidak setidaknya aku tidak menajadi sesorang yang seperti dulu. Seseorang yang terlalu terpaku apa yang terjadi hari ini dan kemaren yang membuatku terpuruk, lebih sensitive, perasa dan frustasi oleh keadaan dan pada sesuatu yang seharusnya dilupakan. Dan aku terlalu mengumbarkanya di sosial media yang membuatku bodoh itu tak bisa menyelesaikan masalah malah akan menambah sakit. 
     Kini semua itu tak aku rasakan lagi, aku masih muda untuk terlalu sedih dan menangisi sesuatu yang tak bisa diulang itu. Kesal, sedih,dan menangis boleh sesekali sajah sekedar melegakannya, dan tak perlu waktu lama untuk menghilangkannya. Semua itu hilang karena aku masih punya mimpi yang harus aku wujudkan di hari esok. 

to be continued




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Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017



Sri Andriningsih (2017). An Analysis of Lyra Belacqua’s Psychological Conflict The Golden Compass in Novel by Philip Pullman. Technocrat School of Foreign Language.
The aim of this research and analysis is to disclose the psychological conflicts of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. To get results related to the psychological conflicts in Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel, the writer tries to formulate these problems in three questions, which are: 1) What is the kind of Lyra Belacqua’s psychological conflict in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman? 2) What causes of Lyra Belacqua’s psychological conflict in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman? 3) What are the effects of the psychological conflict on Lyra Belacqua toward herself in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman?
In analyzing and conducting the research on the psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman, the writer uses a psychological approach. This approach applies the theories in psychologcal to analyze and discover the types, causes and effects of psychological conflicts on Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. The writer also conducts library research in completing this research. Several theories about the kind of psychological conflicts, causes and the effects of psychological conflict, are used by writer as references and supporting materials to support the research and analysis that conducted by writer.
The writer uses theory of Zwemer about the kind of psychological conflict to determine the kind of psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. To find causes of psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel using Maslow's theory developed by Globe about the causes of psychological conflict based on the need. And to find the effects of the psychological conflicts of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel using Coon's theory of the effects of psychological conflict.
The result of this research is Lyra Belacqua experiencing psychological conflict, such as approach-approach conflict, approach-avoidance conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, and double approach-avoidance conflict. The causes are the unfulfilled of need for love and belonging, the unfulfilled of need for self-security, the unfulfilled of need for self-esteem and the unfulfilled of self-actualization. The effects of psychological conflicts are frustration, anxiety and anger.

Download ppt
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Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

Presentasi Tentang 7 Facts of FACEBOOK. PPT (Eng.versi)

7 Facts are striking on Facebook

Many interesting  facts  that it was not yet much known about facebook.
1. Facebook syndrome
2. Media writing the constitution state
3. Facebook select color blue
4. Prostitution on
5. So cause divorce
6. Prize money
facebook hack
7. Decide love’s favorite places 




Jumat, 04 Agustus 2017

What is comprehension words?

of words 

Comprehension words is ability to understand its meaning of words.

Comprehension words is a very complex psycholinguistic process is much more complex than the process of speech sound.

The word is a unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes.

Klik link bellow:

PPT.Comprehension words

Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

The Reported Speech

      Reported Speech is the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by person which is enclosed in quotation mark in direct speech is called reported speech.

1.Direct speech:
We may quote the actual words of the speaker this method is called direct speech.
2.Indirect speech:
We may report what he said without quoting his exact words. The method is called indirect speech or reported speech.

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